To make a reservation with us, simply visit our website. Our online booking system is user-friendly, allowing you to select your preferred vehicle, pick-up and drop-off dates, and complete your reservation with ease.
To rent a car, you typically need a valid driver’s license, a credit/debit card in the driver’s name. Specific requirements may vary, so please check our rental policies or contact our team for more details.
Yes, the minimum age for renting a car is usually 18 years old.
Yes, you can modify or cancel your reservation. Please refer to the confirmation email for instructions, or contact our customer service for assistance. Keep in mind that cancellation policies and fees may apply.
Our rental rates typically include the cost of the vehicle, basic insurance coverage, and any applicable taxes and fees. Additional services or coverage options may be available, so review your rental agreement for a detailed breakdown.
Most of our rental agreements include unlimited mileage, allowing you the flexibility to explore without worrying about extra charges.
In the event of a breakdown or emergency, contact our roadside assistance on +230 5903 8030. We’re here 24/7 to assist you with any issues you may encounter during your rental period.
One-way rentals are often possible, but additional fees may apply. Please specify your drop-off location during the reservation process, or contact our team for assistance and to confirm availability.
We provide the vehicle with a full tank of gas, and it should be returned with a full tank to avoid refueling charges. If you are unable to return the car with a full tank, we offer various fuel options for your convenience.
Yes, we offer long-term rental options and corporate accounts. Contact our corporate services department for customized solutions to meet your business or extended rental needs.
Unfortunately no, we don’t offer child/baby seats or any other additional accessories.
We accept major credit cards for payment. Debit cards and cash payments may be accepted. We also accept Juice by MCB and MyT Money and Internet banking.
While we understand the importance of travel companions, pets are generally not allowed in our rental vehicles due to hygiene and allergy concerns.
Renters are responsible for returning the vehicle in the same condition it was received. Cleaning fees may apply for excessively dirty vehicles and repair charges may be assessed for damages beyond normal wear and tear.
Yes, you may request an extension of your rental period. Contact us as early as possible to check for availability and arrange the extension.
No, smoking is strictly prohibited in our rental vehicles. Violation of this policy may result in cleaning fees. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a clean and smoke-free environment for all customers.